eSIM Asia 8 Negara Kuota Besar

Mulai dari: Rp65.000

Product Description

Country : Asia 8 Negara (Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Macau, Jepang & Korea Selatan)
Quota : 3 / 5 / 8 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 30 / 50GB

Provider : Multilocal Provider
Active Period : 3 / 7 / 10 / 12 / 15 / 20 / 30 Days
Signal : 3G / 4G LTE / 5G
Tethering/Hotspot : Can

โ€“ eSIM Internet Only
โ€“ eSIM No Have Number
โ€“ eSIM Can be used for Tethering / Hotspot
โ€“ eSIM cannot be used for Phone & Text

No Registration Required

Additional Information

Quota & Active

3GB/3D, 3GB/7D, 3GB/10D, 5GB/10D, 5GB/15D, 8GB/10D, 10GB/12D, 15GB/15D, 20GB/12D, 20GB/20D, 30GB/20D, 50GB/30D

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